The following TOS (terms of service) and any other rules posted on TISNAT.com constitute an agreement between TIS-NAT (we, our, us, me) and you, (the visitor, purveyor, secret shopper, trap lover) governing your access and use of all content and functionalities available through TISNAT.com.
By taking a stroll with wandering fingers through the wonders of TIS-NAT and our hand-made-wear you are not only accepting and consenting to all of the TOS related to TISNAT.com, but you are also agreeing to reconsider the traps that wander in and out of the collective lives of you, yours and others. We may modify the TOS from time to time, just as you are expected to refashion yours. By continuing to use this site you are agreeing to be bound to the continued revision and revival of a modified TOS.
Any persons wishing to use our website and services must read and agree to be bound by our policies relating to those services and expectations. In particular, we draw your attention to our policies relating to intellectual property rights and your acceptance and willingness to discover the beauty and simplicity in the trap set before you.
Please, in fact we insist that you, read the TOS and check back often. If you do not agree to any change to the TOS, then you must immediately stop using the site and go back to wearing dark sunglasses in a turtle shell of obscurity.
· Accuracy of information on the site
· Registration
· Merchandise & Availability
· Eligibility to purchase
· User comments
· Prohibited use of site & content permission & restrictions
· Customer service
We do our best to guarantee that all of the information on this site is complete, mostly accurate and current. Although, despite our best efforts and sincere labors of love we have to acknowledge that information may occasionally be inaccurate, incomplete or a complete fabrication. All conditions, products, images and prices of products are subject to change and construction at any time without notice to you. We make a sensible effort to ensure the accuracy of some of the displayed objects, including colors, size and material. However, despite the efforts made we cannot guarantee that the objects exist beyond the screen, and for that matter that the screen you are purveying through is an accurate translator of the colors and materials which are trying to be displayed.
Furthermore, the inclusion of any products or services on the Site by no means implies that these products or services have ever, or will ever, be available at any time. We reserve the right to discontinue or refuse the sale of any object at any time.
To use the services and features so graciously made available to you on this site you will not be expected to register. Do not worry about creating the perfect password.
The merchandise sold through the Site is not intended to comply with U.S. laws or regulations. Be advised that other countries also have laws, regulatory requirements and product safety requirements that are different than those in the U.S. Because of this, it is advised that you first consider the origin of said and such and such merchandise.
In order to make a purchase on the Site you will be required to find a purchasable item on the site. If such purchasable item is located you will then be required to provide your real name, phone number, e-mail address and other invasive information. This will all be worth it.
We are not responsible or liable for any accusation or statement, including, without limitation, loss or injury to real, tangible or intellectual property, violations of personal privacy or privacy rights, actual, non-consequential or punitive damages, personal injury or wrongful death made in connection with user comments. We reserve the right to apply user comments as we see fit for our own growth and exploration. User comments will be used.
You fully comprehend and agree not to use this site and the objects associated with the site for use beyond the pleasure of the pastime involved with the casual browse or browser. Unless otherwise noted, the design of the site, TIS-NAT’s images and all other content and materials are copyrighted, trademarked and owned and operated solely by us. The content is intended solely for your personal and non-commercial use. No right, title or interest in any content is granted or transferred to you as a result of your use of the site.
Certain parts of the site may allow you to share content with your best friends, casual acquaintances, total strangers and family on social media platforms. These super awesome features grant you limited license to parade the images as directed, and you understand that you have no right, title or ownership of the the content.
You may not replicate, circulate, spread, allocate, exhibit, alter, fashion works from, sell, or exploit in any way content on this Site. Mishandling of the content of this site is strictly prohibited and may subject you to international laws from whatever country is most applicable.
TIS-NAT is under no obligation to provide or attempt or pretend to offer customer service. If you do not understand any of the Terms or if you have any questions or comments we advise you to ask Seri, Google or yahoo before attempting to contact us.